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Q.3What's the best phone number to reach you?

Q.4Do you have a resume that you'd like you upload?

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Yes 0% 0
No 0% 0

Q.5Please upload your resume here.

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Q.6Tell us a little bit about yourself! Nothing too formal or pre-planned. We'd just like to get to know you a little bit better than "text" normally allows.

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Q.7How would the coworkers at your last (most recent) place of employment describe you?

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Q.8Please tell us a little about your qualifications to work in dermatology (including your career goals).

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Q.9Please check off any and all devices which you feel comfortable using and/or operating.

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Desktop/Laptop Computer 0% 0
Tablet Computer (e.g., 'iPad') 0% 0
Printer 0% 0
Digital Camera 0% 0
Scanner 0% 0

Q.10Where would the following text most likely be found within the visit note?

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ROS 0% 0
HPI 0% 0
Exam 0% 0
Plan 0% 0

Q.11Where would the following text most likely be found within the visit note?

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ROS 0% 0
Chief Complaint/Concern 0% 0
Exam 0% 0
Plan 0% 0

Q.12Where would the following text most likely be found within the visit note?

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HPI 0% 0
Chief Complaint/Concern 0% 0
Exam 0% 0
Plan 0% 0

Q.13Please read the scenario below and describe how you would handle this? Which instructions would you provide to this patient? Would any documentation be necessary? If so, please provide an example of how you would document what transpired.

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Q.14At the bottom of this section, you will find an audio recording of a sample patient visit (please ensure that you enable your speakers and/or have headphones available). As you listen to the audio recording, please document the visit, being sure to include any information which you believe is important. Don't forget to assign the information to its appropriate category (i.e., assign the pertinent information to each respective section of History, Exam, Assessment and/or Plan).

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Q.15The patient seen in the picture walks in the clinic asking to see a nurse. He's been using Efudex for the past 2 weeks to treat AKs on the face. The areas "sting" a little, but he's otherwise not in significant discomfort. From the following options, which would be the most appropriate manner of handling this situation?

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Options # Responses
Reassure the patient that the areas of inflammation likely represent where he's suffered the most actinic damage. He should finish out his treatment, provided he doesn't experience significant discomfort, fever, etc. If he needs further reassurance, then your supervising physician should step in to evaluate and provide input if necessary. 0% 0
The front desk should contact the ER of the local hospital and let them know that you're sending a patient over right away. 0% 0
He probably has early cellulitis. Let him know that your supervising physician will call in an antibiotic. 0% 0

Q.16Two months ago, your supervising physician prescribed Retin-A (tretinoin) to a female patient to use on her face. She calls the office today asking if it's OK to continue using because she just found out that she's pregnant. Which of the following responses is most appropriate?

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Options # Responses
She should discontinue using it immediately. Because it's been applied topically, it's very unlikely that she's absorbed enough to have any effect on the fetus, but she should let her obstetrician know that it's something she's been using up until this point. This should also be documented in her chart and your supervising physician should be notified. 0% 0
She can continue using it until 3 months gestation, but it should be discontinued thereafter. 0% 0
Products which contain tretinoin are safe to use throughout pregnancy 0% 0

Q.17What is the most common type of skin cancer?

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Options # Responses
Basal Cell Carcinoma 0% 0
Melanoma 0% 0
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 0% 0
Merkel Cell Carcinoma 0% 0

Q.18Reports of Basal Cell Carcinoma metastasis are so rare that most will consider it a "non-metastasizing" type of skin cancer.

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Options # Responses
True 0% 0
False 0% 0

Q.19A patient was recently diagnosed with Basal Cell Carcinoma and she's "worried it can turn into melanoma." Is this true or false that a BCC can turn into a Melanoma?

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Options # Responses
True 0% 0
False 0% 0

Q.20A patient comes in for evaluation and treatment of a rash which has been a problem for "years." She says that she's used "numerous prescription creams but nothing has helped." When asked which creams, all she can remember is that "they came in a white tube."

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Options # Responses
Find out from the patient when and where the prescriptions were filled. Then the pharmacy should be contacted to see if they can provide the name/concentration of the prescriptions used. 0% 0
Take a smoke break. 0% 0
Catch up on notes from the day prior. 0% 0
Nothing. All your supervising physician needs to know is that the creams "came in a white tube." 0% 0

Q.21Which one of the following most likely represents a true allergic reaction to an antibiotic?

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Options # Responses
hive-like breakout all over the body 0% 0
nausea 0% 0
dizziness 0% 0
sun-sensitivity 0% 0

Q.22Around which types of patients must "Universal Precautions" be followed?

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Options # Responses
High-Risk Only 0% 0
Medium- to High-Risk Only 0% 0
None 0% 0
All Patients 0% 0

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